Marie Callender’s - Comfort is Calling
Introverts relish time alone. In fact, comfort is synonymous with being alone to them. What better food to pair with an introvert seeking comfort than a frozen meal? Marie Callendar’s makes pot pies and other meals that are single serve which is perfect for any introvert. In this campaign, we also wanted Marie Callendar’s to be an introvert’s excuse to get some much-needed alone time.

Since we’re targeting introverts or those who want to carve out a moment of peace for themselves, we’ve created a Comfort Call Line. All you have to do is go online and request a call from our Comfort Call Line. Our Marie Callender’s granny will call you and give you the perfect excuse to escape whatever social situation from which you’re ready to escape. Why a granny? She’s often associated with comfort and no one will question a granny’s authority. Go ahead and hit ‘play’ to hear what our granny has to say to be your excuse to head on home.
We’ve also created a DND feature for your phone so that you can enjoy your time alone with Marie Callender’s without any disruptions.
Real Talk with Marie is a podcast that features grandmas giving advice on how to get out of social situations gracefully. They share their stories of times when they’d rather not be attending a social function and how they made their great escapes without hurting anyone’s feelings.
Finally, we’ve created a special freezer to draw you to Marie Callender’s when you’re out shopping. We wanted to make it look like a fridge you’d find at home so we added magnets and photos. To the side, there’s a Marie Callender’s calendar so that you can schedule time for yourself to chill and introvert as needed.
AD: Kendall Boron XD: Jemimah Ekeh
CBM: Allia McDowell ST: Allison Fitzgerald
A calendar to remind you to make time for yourself. This calendar also includes recipes that perhaps your grandma would’ve made that you can try to replicate while you’re enjoying time alone.